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It's always immensely satisfying when a story takes on a life of its own, and is amplified through media interest -- be it TV, radio, magazine, newspaper, or blogs. Here's a small selection of my international media outings.
The media for 'Started Out Just Drinking Beer' went national from day one with an extract in The Telegraph and Today Show.
Here I am interviewed by Keith Nolan for
Capital TV's 'Beyond the Lines' book show.
Live938 Singapore is just one of the radio stations who've interviewed me. I've also done 2UE, 6PR, 3AW, 2XX, 2BS, the ABC (various programs), and the BBC in the UK, among others.
Cameron Marshall of ABC Mid North Coast often gets me in (or on the phone) to talk about travel, music, life.
I was interviewed live by Paul Woodcock for this 1-hour WW2TV episode about a Japanese atrocity in 1942.
An honour to have eminent historian Robert Lyman lavish a double-spread in the major English 'Daily Express' reviewing my book and the story behind it.
A typical book launch involves local media getting on board, local library and Rotary club talks, and a whole lot of buzz.
The Telegraph (UK) review in which they called me 'the perfect storyteller'. There is no such thing as perfect because storytelling is a skill, and trying to make the next story better is what drives me.
Haha! There's my Underwood typewriter (see home page) featured in this half-page story in the 'North Shore Times'.
Cover stories are always a thrill.Especially when there's a couple more pages of review inside.
This was a fun interview. Ferried around in a Mercedes Benz while Susan Long rolled tape, in which she picked up on my
'always on' creative habits.
I won't lie. Selling my ad agency to a US multinational at and gaining financial independence at the age of 34 set me on the road to exploring and indulging my creative storytelling.
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